Thursday, November 09, 2006

Don't give in, keep fighting

Please be sure to visit our latest press release on the Baby Milk Action website: International campaign aims to save Philippines baby milk marketing law - and infant lives. You'll find pictures and documents and statistics showing just how urgent it is to implement these regulations.

The World Health Organisation is reported as saying the needless death of 16,000 Filipino infants every year from inappropirate feeding practices exceeds any humanitarian emergency which the Philippines has faced in the last 20 years.

We have asked people like you to sign our petition of solidarity with the Philippines as it comes under pressure from baby food companies and the US Chamber of Commerce over its new baby food marketing regulations and to include a message for our partners if you wish.

These have been really appreciated by our partners to show the world is watching and supporting their efforts. Baby Milk Action's Patti Rundall has been in the Philippines in a media whirlwind. You can see her sitting on a breakfast TV couch on our website.

Live TV is great, because what you say goes out on air, though in the past TV stations have come under pressure afterwards as we reported on our Campaign for Ethical Marketing action sheet. The print media is perhaps more susceptible as advertisers can have a lot of clout and little seems to have got past the editors so far. So we need international coverage as well.

Perhaps backed by an event. Something like a giant card covered with the messages of support that have been coming in. Now there's a thought. Hmmm.

If you've not signed the petiton, please do. If you have, you can also download a petition sheet to print off with the action sheet so you can gather signatures from friends, family and workmates.

Here's some of the messages that have come in and winged their way to the Philippines. Don't worry if you don..t see your message below. They are certainly being passed on and will be included in this greeting card type thing that is materialising in the back of my mind.

Jenifer, England: "The health of the children of the Philippines is of far greater importance than the accumulation of profits by baby milk companies. It is shameful that companies and individuals should undermine the health of babies purely to make money."

Veronica, Ireland: "Each baby deserves the best start in life,woman are undermined every day world wide by the actions of the multinational companies. Keep up your good work you will make a difference !!!!"

Madeline, USA: "Let's let moms breastfeed babies. That saves lives."

Elaine, USA: "Support people, not corporations. Do not let yourself be bullied by these outrageously inhuman beings. They are not supported by the citizens of their countries."

Ron and Pauline, Canada: "We're thinking of your country and protection of breastfeeding for your children."

Evelyn, Canada: "Invest in the health of your babies, not American companies."

Marie, France: "Breast is best everywhere in the world."

Margarete, France: "I would appreciate if your first and main concern are the children and their well-being and not the economic interest."

Mary, England: "From my work in a "bustee" health project in Pakistan some years ago, I know how vital it is to support and encourage breast feeding of infants. I fully endorse this protest."

Alex, Wales: "Breast milk is a priceless commodity that must safeguarded at all costs. Large business organisations could earn real prestige by publicly supporting this campaign and cheerfully embracing any fall in profits - a fall that would reflect their moral and ethical standing in the world."

Caleb, New Zealand: "Do the right thing."

Leslie, Canada: "I admire the Philippines taking this strong action to protect infants. Infant health should always take precedent over corporate interests."

Jacqueline, France: "Please do the right thing and put babies and their mothers before company profits."

Sofia, UK: ..Please protect your infants - they are your future!..

Kym, USA:"..Please save the precious babies and educate mothers to know how to breastfeed. God's perfect design, there is nothing better on this earth for the children."

Theresa, Canada: "The health of children should come before the profits of any company. This should not even be an issue. Protect Filipino children's right to be breastfed."

Vanessa, USA: "My son is 5 months old and exclusively breastfed. Say no to pressuring formula companies. Breastmilk is best for our babies, and it's free."

Jean, USA: "Please do not let yourself be threatened by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce interfering with the health of Filipino babies and mothers for the sake of the profit of U.S pharmaceutical/formula companies. Continue to keep in front of you the best interests of the physical and mental health of your future citizens."

Helen, Canaada: "Please do not be influenced by people who are only interested in making huge profits. They do not care about the health and well being of your children. Breastfeeding is normal, natural and the healthiest way to feed, nuturenddn bond with your child. We should not allow the Formula companies to influence policy of governments so that they can undermine breastfeeding and add to poverty, sickness adn death in children."

Adrian, UK: "Good luck and stick to your principles!"

Philip, UK: "Don't give in, keep fighting."

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